Monday, 7 November 2011

What's the truth?

Wouldn’t it be brilliant to have a field of studies initiated around you and your concepts? Well Foucault has done just that! After surfing Foucault’s noble name on the web for possibly the very last time I came across something quite interesting. There, in its black bold font shone the words “Foucault Studies”. He really has made an impact on the modern age. Maybe I’m giving Foucault a little more credit than he deserves, but I can’t help but remain fascinated with this man’s influence on modern works.

Foucault has had much of an impact on modern media, having helped develop the “Queer theory”, as well as theorising sexuality and gender roles in society. His concepts on power and archaeology are equally important in the field of media studies. For Foucault the importance of history is not necessarily the event but people's depictions of the event. Therefore he forces us to question reality and truth of not just history but of the present day. Foucault analyses the relationship between truth and power and argues that "Truth isn't outside power…Truth is a thing of this world…Each society has its regime of truth, its 'general politics' of truth; that is, the types of discourse which it accepts and makes function as true", quoted from Formations of Modernity: Edited by Stuart Hall & Bram Gieben (1992). However mass media is a worldwide source and is used globally in our everyday lives, therefore it has the power to globalise various ideas and values. However, with all the institutions of media being owned by westerners, then mass media is a Westernised source and has the ability to change other people's beliefs on the "truth".

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